Monday, February 22, 2010

Coming Back to Bite Me

Remember last June when I took my car to be inspected, it failed, and I said "Screw that, I'll just deal with it if I ever get pulled over"?

Today I got pulled over; a cop finally noticed that my sticker should have been renewed eight months ago. Might I add that my car has undergone a little more trauma since last June ... the driver's window fell down and when I took it to get fixed, they charged me $120 and put the glass on the wrong side of the weather stripping, so it doesn't go up and down the way it's supposed to. ANYWAY. The cop starts walking toward my car, and I have to roll down the driver's side back window to ask him if I can open my door since my window doesn't work. He asked why I didn't get it inspected, and I told him the truth - that it would have cost more than I was willing to spend on my car! And he wrote me a big fat ticket. Boo.

It would be sad if it weren't so funny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor poor Allie. <3