Sunday, January 3, 2010

Some steps in the right direction

I don't believe in New Year's Resolutions. By calling your goals resolutions, you're practically dooming them to fail. We always talked in marketing classes about needs. You don't NEED a new Mercedes - you don't even need a car - you need a way to get from A to B. You don't need a steak dinner - you need something to satisfy your hunger.

Here are my needs:
• Friends
• A way to de-stress
• Something to do

Here are ways I am/will be meeting my needs:
• Today I signed up to be a member of the gym that's across the street from my apartment. As I don't work out much, being a member of a gym doesn't serve much purposed except ... they offer classes. I am much more likely to go if I have a class I am going to every week. (Plus, they have a hip hop class, which was a big draw.) They offer pilates, which will help me relax. It will give me something to do. It will give me a new outlet for meeting people. BAM - three in one. I have a meeting with a personal trainer this week to figure out what I need to be doing as far as working out on my own, plus to figure out how machines work because I avoided using them for most of college just because I didn't know how to use them properly/to my advantage, plus I didn't want to look stupid for not being strong enough to use the machines at their lowest weight. Sorry for the run-on sentence, but it's late so I'm not going back to fix it.

Other goings-on:
• Had a wonderful Christmas break. Took some time off work, and got to spend a lot of time with my family, a few days with Matt's family, some fun road tripping and finished an audiobook. Very relaxing and lazy, but now I'm ready to get back into a routine.
• Got an iPhone for Christmas, which I am now addicted to. It does EVERYTHING, including auto-correct spelling and punctuation! That was one thing that always bothered me about my old phone, the difficulty in punctuating things properly. LOVE.
• I love the show "How I Met Your Mother," as you may know. My mom and I went shopping one day when I was home, and I am THRILLED to announce that I am now the owner of a dress that Lily wore one episode. This brings my total of Lily-clothes to two. I just spent like 20 minutes looking for a picture of it, but can't find one. Sad.
• It's way past my bed time, so peace out yo.

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