Tuesday, January 26, 2010

BLING! and some other goings-on

Sorry for my lack of posting the last couple weeks. I've been a little ... okay extremely distracted. Distracted to the point where I pretty much get nothing done, ever.

Why am I so distracted? Well, I'm glad you asked!

I'm engaged!!! Matt proposed a few weeks ago!

So instead of my usual rational thinking, every thought in my brain has been replaced with WEDDINGS! weddings! WEDDINGS! weddings! I've become a woman possessed.

Now, I never dreamed about my wedding as a kid. I only went to one wedding in my entire childhood. I went to several in college, and despite knowing that my own would come someday, I never gave it much thought, at least not in terms of what I wanted. (Plus, I don't like planning things I can't make happen right away. I like to get things DONE.)

Now I'm getting to think about all that stuff, and I'm PSYCHED! I have no idea what I want for my wedding, but thinking about it is fun. :)

ANYWAY, in non-marriage related news ...

My sister came into town this past weekend to celebrate her 21st! We went to dinner at Cheddars, and they didn't have enough seating for all our party, so they asked if they could seat us at booths opposite each other, which my sister said was cool. So it ended up being me 'n Matt at one booth ... and everyone else at the other. We had been demoted to chaperons. Awww. But the chicken fried steak was deeeelish. I always forget how much I love that place until I go again. We also went to a bar called Harry's that I'd never been to, since R decided she wanted to go dancing. Welllll ... it was different kinds of dancing than she had expected, and Matt and I were the only ones there of all her friends who knew how to two-step. But the live band was pretty good, we had a good time, and I tried to teach her how to country dance sixth-grade style.

Anyway, I'm off the computer. I've had a headache all day, probably not helped by me staring at a screen all day. Peace out yo!

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