Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A Rant

One thing that I dislike about working in an office is that there isn't much opportunity to get up and move around, so I find myself sitting all day, then I come home and I sit some more, and right now my legs are practically withering away from disuse.

I've been a chronic worrier all my life. I've been given worry dolls, I've prayed, I've talked to therapists ... and while all have helped to an extent, today I got so irritated at myself. I realized that my constant anxiety is WORTHLESS. It is a COLOSSAL waste of my time. And I know this realization probably won't make anything change, but I don't WANT to worry anymore. It doesn't give me the control that I think it does. So why do I do it? This is a hypothetical question ... but I know in some circumstances, I've been worrying about the same things for so long that I just don't know how to NOT worry.

OK, I'm done being frustrated. Other goings-on ...
• My aunt came to C.S. for work last week, and she stayed with me for a couple days. I don't know a whole lot of things to do here, so I guess it's good that she stays busy working. Anyway, she got assigned to come down here again, so I'll get to see her this week too, and then my sister got jealous (even though she lives 15 minutes from my aunt), and decided that she wanted to come visit (on a completely different week...) and that makes no sense to me, but I am always happy to see family. :)
• We are working on creating a Sunday tradition. There is this local BBQ place, C & J's, that is very close to Matt's apartment, but he had never been there before I moved here. Since then, we've gone a few times after church, and now Matt always wants to go get barbecue. I told Rachel about it, because she likes barbecue too, and now when she comes to visit I have to take her, plus Freebirds, because she always demands that we go to Freebirds.
• After several weeks of attending a particular church here, I think we've decided that it isn't for us, and we will continue looking.
• I was supposed to meet some people from book club at a Chinese restaurant tonight, but after about 15 minutes no one had shown up, so I just left. I was a little hesitant about the restaurant once I got there anyway; it smelled delicious, but was kind of dingy, and there was a sad fish tank with half the tank's dirty water evaporated. Does not inspire confidence.

That's all I can think of for now, and I want to get some ice cream, so peace out homies.


Sarah W. said...

I just love reading about all of your adventures in CS and trying to guess which places you're referring to (dingy Chinese food restaurant, hmm? Wonder what that was...) Although, it does make me pretty homesick. Congrats on discovering C&J's, isn't it delish?

Allie said...

It was Chef Cao's on University, across from the Fox and the Hound. I'm sorry to make you homesick! I miss Oklahoma a lot too.