Saturday, September 5, 2009

The land of the free and the home of the SOONERS

I've never been much of a football fan, but I have been full of pride the past few days for my Sooners. It could be simply because I'm not surrounded by it anymore, and I miss the excitement behind it. It could be because I miss Oklahoma and want to feel close to something familiar. Or it could just be that I don't want to be an Aggie fan so I have to place my allegiance elsewhere or get automatically lumped in with everyone else in this town.

I don't have anything against the Aggies either, except that I am not one. So tonight, I will probably be doing laundry at my boyfriend's house, because he has a washer and dryer and I do not, and I will make him put the OU/BYU game on, because even if I don't watch it the whole time, I want to keep up.

I've managed to carve out a little bit of a social life here. As I've posted before, I joined a book club, and over the course of the past few weeks, we've slowly started hanging out more in between meetings, for game nights and the like. I really enjoy hanging out with these people.

I should sort my laundry and try to get a few things checked off my to-do list. It is ever-expanding and I never seem to do anything done.

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